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Forest Trees

Breathe in love & Exhale Light

Healing BreathWork &

As a professional Healing Guide, I offer a unique class that combines BreathWork and Meditation. This experience harnesses conscious diaphragmatic breathing as a powerful technique for achieving Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual HEALING.

,,By releasing Stuck Energies, you create space for Love,

which is where the healing process begins"

Spa Fountain


This targeted technique can assist individuals dealing with trauma and PTSD symptoms, reducing anxiety, depression, blood pressure issues, insomnia, releasing most type of physical and mental issues, helps to cure diseases, Enhance troubled relationships.

BreathWork provides a safe space to connect with our true feelings. Deep breathing signals to the brain that everything is okay, triggering physiological and chemical releases for a calm and open state of mind. This activates the subconscious mind, where memories, beliefs, conditioning, and trauma are stored, allowing us to release them.


What to Expect

During this class, you will lie on your back on a mat, covered with a blanket, a pillow beneath your knees, and your eyes closed. With background music and Veronika's guided voice, you will breathe deeply into your mouth, taking one deep breath into your belly and one deep breath into your chest followed by exhale. During the session, you release various forms of stagnant energy, followed by a Guided Meditation to integrate and reconnect with your true self.

BreathWork has the potential to elicit profound emotional releases, often occurring within a short span of time — a beneficial aspect of the practice. The purpose of BreathWork is to facilitate the movement of energy and emotion throughout the body. It's not uncommon to experience emotional catharsis during the process, which may manifest as crying, screaming, shaking, or spontaneous body movements.

Every Monday at 7pm is scheduled Breath Work & Meditation Class at RAKTA Hot Yoga Studio

1169 Hilltop Ln, Steamboat Springs

walk-ins $30 very welcome

To book a private session, whether individual or group, or via Zoom, please contact me at 970-761-5353


Breath Work & Meditation Program

Karate by the Sea

This program is designed for larger groups in any environment, aiming to uplift positive energies, facilitate healing, reset the body and mind, enhance productivity, and foster a happier atmosphere around us:

-Hospitals- doctors & patients

-Businesses- management & employee


-Teams (sport)

-School- teachers & students

-Families & kids

-Retreat Centers


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